
We offer private label and white label solutions within hair ornaments and accessories. We assist with idea development and ensure that production runs smoothly – that the quality is up to standard and that logistics are coordinated.

With a white label concept, we give you the opportunity to select an assortment from our products, but under your own brand name. The products can be tailored to your concept and brand expression by applying logo printing inside the hair clip, creating cardboards with logo printing, or sewing logos into scrunchies. The possibilities are many. It could also involve packaging, choice of materials, unique shapes, and colors.

With a private label concept, it’s your own unique designs that we put into production.

Regardless, we take care of the production, quality control, and logistics, while you focus on building your brand, selling, and marketing your products.


Private Label Banner My everneed

We offer private label and white label solutions within hair ornaments and accessories. We assist with idea development and ensure that production runs smoothly – that the quality is up to standard and that logistics are coordinated.

With a white label concept, we give you the opportunity to select an assortment from our products, but under your own brand name. The products can be tailored to your concept and brand expression by applying logo printing inside the hair clip, creating cardboards with logo printing, or sewing logos into scrunchies. The possibilities are many. It could also involve packaging, choice of materials, unique shapes, and colors.

With a private label concept, it’s your own unique designs that we put into production.

Regardless, we take care of the production, quality control, and logistics, while you focus on building your brand, selling, and marketing your products.

The process through a label project

We want to create confidence in our cooperation. Therefore, you will receive a tailor-made process overview, based on your wishes and our experiences

Step by step guide my everneed
Step by step guide my everneed
Step by step guide my everneed
Step by step guide my everneed
Step by step guide my everneed
Step by step guide my everneed

For us, it’s important that you feel secure with the solution you choose. That’s why we believe the entire process should be in close collaboration and with plenty of dialogues.

We deliver a unique and customized proposal every time. We only start on your project when we have a good insight into your company and your desires for how your concept should be. Based on that, we create a universe tailored to your brand.


Contact us today for more information or to schedule a meeting.


White lable inden for hårpynt - by my everneed
White lable inden for hårpynt - by my everneed
Private Label Banner My everneed

Kontakt os

White Label hårpynt

White label inden for hårpynt er en populær løsning for mange brands og virksomheder inden for beauty- og modeindustrien. 

White label være en fordel, da det giver mulighed for at vælge bredt fra et udvalg af produkter uden selv at skulle investere i stort lager. Dette er især tilfældet for mindre eller nystartede brands, der ønsker at komme i gang uden at skulle håndtere de omkostninger og ressourcer, der er involveret i sådan en proces.

Vores samarbejdspartnere får også den fordel, at de kan udnytte vores ekspertise og erfaring. Vi er specialiserede i hårpynt, har en stor viden om de nyeste trends, materialer og teknikker, der er populære i branchen. Vi er med hele vejen og hjælper jer med at få produkter samt emballage til at passe ind i jeres ønske koncept. 

Vi har mulighed for at tilpasse os til jeres specifikke målgruppe og brandidentitet.

Vi tilbyder typisk en bred vifte af forskellige hårpyntprodukter, såsom hårbånd, hårspænder, hårnåle og mange andre typer accessories hvorefter der kan vælges ud fra de designs, farver og materialer, der bedst passer til jeres brand og jeres kundernes ønsker.